Object Design


This ongoing body of writing and making is concerned with the significance of monograms. We assert power, identity and ownership of objects through our initials when monogrammed onto mass-produced items. This particular set of designed objects celebrates the artisans of the Wiener Werkstatte in the early 20th century by presenting monograms as  collectibles in and of themselves.

︎ fabrication
︎ writing
︎ typography

Design research

The People’s Graphic Design Archive

This crowd-sourced virtual archive includes everything from finished projects to process, photos, letters, oral histories, articles, essays, and other supporting material. I collaborate with Briar Levit, Louise Sandhaus, and Morgan Searcy to build content and programming and expand the visual language.

Our goal is to enable new and expanded stories about a graphic design history—one that represents diverse cultures and a broad range of interests. Visit the site peoplesgdarchive.org

Read more in The New York Times with other press from LA Times, frizzifrizzi, AIGA Eye on Design, Metropolis.

︎ writing
︎ research
︎ social media

select images are from Black History Month and Women’s History Month campaigns featuring (L–R): Ida B Wells, Lucille Tenazas, Loïs Mailou Jones, Loreta Staples, Nancy Skolos, Ellen Raskin, and Dorothy Waugh.

Visual Identity


This project is a collaborative, annotated bibliography compiled to expand Design History beyond its eurocentric center. I contributed to the design system as well as suggested resources. Visit the evolving document at bit.ly/decentering

︎ Riso
︎ writing
︎ visual identity

︎ publication design

Visual Identity


With a collaborative team of doctors and engineers from Johns Hopkins University and artist Jenna Frye, I created a visual identity system for a bio-inspired ventilator splitter. Our hope was to engage 3D printing as a response to the COVID19 pandemic by increasing ventilator capacity. The system included logos, color, type and assets; information graphics (only one here), and website. 

︎ visual identity
︎ information visualization

︎ web design

H.Xun; C.Shallal; J.Unger; R.Tao; A.Torres; M.Vladimirov; J.Frye; M.Singhala; B.Horne; P.Yesantharao; B.Kim; B.Burke; M.Montana; M.Talcott; B.Winters; M.Frisella; B.Kushner; J.Sacks; J.Guest; S.Kang; J.Caffrey, Vent-Lock: A 3D Printed Ventilator Multiplexer to Enhance the Capacity of Treating Patients with COVID-19; medRxiv 2020.09.16.20195230; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.09.16.20195230



This series of risograph prints organized by Risolve brings together 19 artists from a city, each contributing to a shared grid that raises funds for those most affected by the pandemic. My design for the Baltimore grid expresses the longing to emerge from the zoom screen. 

︎ illustration

Curated by Rebecca Bradley and Sandra Maxa with collaborators: Erica Argilan / Hana Azim / Rebecca Bradley / Jessica Brown / Jiaping Chen / Hayelin Choi / Matt Coles / Chelsea Conrad / Carmen D’Anna / Mai Ly Degnan / McKinley Gillespie / Zoe Lin / Danielle Ting Yu Lo / Mansur Makhmudov / Jon Marchione / Sandra Maxa / Whitney Sherman / Tianqiao (Emily) Xing

and raising funds for The Black Mental Health Alliance

Thanks, cargo.site for the service. Typefaces: Newsreader, Courier, and  Nitti Grotesk.